[Closed] Call Announcement DIPI 2024 Small Research Grant

Research themes:

  • Health Infectious diseases
  • Digital health
  • Genomics

Deadline: July 31, 2024 [Closed]


The Indonesian Science Fund (Dana Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, known as DIPI) is an independent funding institution established in 2016. Since then, DIPI has conducted more than 10 international calls for proposals collaborated with national and international funding institutions and has been managed about 23 research project supported by LPDP.

DIPI recognized that there is a need for a small research grant scheme to allow Indonesian researchers to pursue specific but critical aspects of their larger research programs, such as to obtain proof of concept preliminary to a new scientific endeavor, to support graduate student research work as part of a bigger research scheme, and for the finalization of an otherwise successful research project. The small research grant scheme is particularly needed to support Indonesian young scientists in starting their research careers.

This 2024 Research Call aims to help young, talented researchers to gain more experience and research capability for their carriers. Young researchers who demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition and feasibility of their scientific proposals, are invited to submit them. The scheme also aims to support fundamental, frontier, and excellent research including technology innovation in the focus areas of importance to Indonesia’s future.

The scheme will provide research grant for research in the area of :

  • Health/life science such as:
    • Infection diseases: pathology, the socio-economics, detection of variants, predicting viral evolution and trends in infection and severe disease, etc.
    • Digital health: health data analysis (big data) for epidemiology research and AI-enable diagnosis support, solutions for telemedicine and teleconsultation, remote monitoring, connected devices, digital health platforms and health apps,
    • Genomic: DNA sequencing, genetic data analyze

Competitive flexible research grants for a 1-year duration up to IDR 70 million will be offered for young or early carreer researchers from Indonesia to pursue excellent scientific research projects.

The procedure for evaluating applicants’ qualifications will emphasize the individual’s scientific ability and creativity, the innovativeness of the research approaches, and the potential of the project, if successful, to have a significant impact on the field.

The expected research results must be eligible for publication in scientific journals, patent, proof of concept/prototype, and/or social engineering models.

Online proposal submission begins: July. 1st, 2024.

Deadline for proposal submission: July 31th, 2024, at 5.00 PM Jakarta time (WIB).

For more information, please email to: info@dipi.id and cc: adam.bakhtiar@dipi.id


Proposals may be submitted by legal RTD (Research and Technology Development) entities, such as:

  • Universities
  • Public Research and Development Institutions
  • Private sector /Non –Government Organization with R&D Capabilities
  • Companies / industries with R&D division.

Applicants eligible in submitting the proposal should:

  • PI should be Indonesian and based in Indonesia.
  • Young researchers with a Master or candidate for PhD or Doctoral (on going advance study) should be supervised by senior researchers who hold the PhD or Doctoral degree,
  • PI that has an ongoing international research grant is preferable
  • PI may submit only one proposal for one period
  • PI should be affiliated to Indonesia RTD entities.


  • Fundamental research
  • PhD or Doctoral research dissertations
  • Innovation research (down streaming fundamental research such as test kit development, samples/prototypes certification, etc.)
  • On-going international research grant (to accelerate, broader, improve the quality)


The deadline is 31 July 2024 at 17:00 Jakarta time

Project proposals are to be submitted electronically to: researchgrant@dipi.id

All proposals must be written in English and use the format provided below. If you have any queries, you can contact us at: info@dipi.id


Launch of the Call for Proposals1 July 2024
Deadline for proposal submission31 July 2024
Eligibility check and appeal10 August 2024
Expert/online review20 August 2024
Scientific review25 August 2024
Announcement31 August 2024


Please ensure that the total number of pages (including the financial plan, references, and annexes) does not exceed 8 Pages.

1. Project Data

Project title:

Project acronym:

Name/institution of Principal Investigator:

2. Project description

  • Literature study and describe the research question clearly
  • Describe the scientific and technological objectives of the project as precisely as possible.
  • Explain the novel character of the research proposed. Show how the project’s objectives aim at significant advances in the state-of-the-art through extending the current knowledge and/or filling the gaps identified.

3. Work plan including milestones (timetable)

  • Describe the research project concerning the methodology; justify the method chosen to reach the objectives. Highlight the particular advantages of the methodology selected;
  • Describe the type of activities that are implemented in your project

4. Potential impact of results  

  • Describe the scientific
  • Describe whether the project has any beneficial impact on society, particularly regarding societal challenges.
  • Describe the management of intellectual property.

5. Financial Plan

Type of costs:

  • Personnel costs.
  • Equipment and consumable costs
  • Travel costs
  • Other costs

Please make sure that the total cost does not exceed Rp. 70 million.

6. Annexes

  • CVs of PI and supervisor

How to Apply

1. Proposal Preparation and Submission

Baca panduan, pilih focus area, tuliskan rumusan masalah riset-mu, isi form aplikasi dan kirim

90 Days

Recruit Reviewers
Recruit Reviewers
Recruit Reviewers

2. Proposal Preparation and Submission

Proposal yang telah kamu kirim akan dikaji oleh kurang lebih tiga peers sebelum diputuskan oleh scientific panel

90 Days

Recruit Reviewers
Online Review
Scientific Panel Review
Funding Decision

3. Proposal Preparation and Submission

Setelah keputusan sudah dibuat, kamu akan mendapatkan email pemberitahuan yang akan memintamu untuk memeriksa status aplikasi yang telah kamu kirim

30 Days

Offer Letter
Awward Announced