History of Medicine in South East Asia (HOMSEA) Jakarta, June 27-30, 2018 On behalf of Indonesian Academy of Sciences (AIPI), we would like to invite scientists in the field of history of medicine to submit application to attend conference on the History of Medicine in South...

History of Medicine in South East Asia (HOMSEA)
Jakarta, June 27-30, 2018

On behalf of Indonesian Academy of Sciences (AIPI), we would like to invite scientists in the field of history of medicine to submit application to attend conference on the History of Medicine in South East Asia (HOMSEA) in Jakarta, 27-30 June 2018. The conference will be held alongside the 9th meeting of The Asian Society of the History of Medicine.

Colonial Medicine after Decolonisation: Continuity, Transition, and Change

Deadline for Submission
1 February 2018
Notification of acceptance will be given by 1 March 2018

Guidelines for Submission
Submissions on all topics related to the history of medicine in Asia are welcome; submissions related to the conference theme are especially encouraged. Participants can submit full panels (2, 3, or 4 papers) as well as individual papers. Paper proposals (title, author, and an abstract in English of no more than 200 words) and a 1-page curriculum vitae or panel proposals (a panel proposing of no more than 200 words with abstracts and 1-page CVs of all participants) should be sent by electronic mail to James Dunk (james.dunk@sydney.edu.au). The program committee reserves the right to suggest changes and revisions to abstracts and panel proposals. For further detail, please check through this link bit.ly/HOMSEAcallforpapers

Program Committee
Dr. Harry Yi-Jui Wu (Hong Kong); Dr. Ning Jennifer Chang (Taipei); Prof Laurence Monnais (Montreal); A/Prof Hans Pols (Sydney); Dr. Yu-Chuan Wu (Taipei); Dr. Por Heong Hong (Kuala Lumpur); and members of the Local Arrangements Committee.
Unfortunately, the ASHM cannot offer funds to defray travel expenses due to budget constraints. There is a range of affordable accommodation available near the conference venue. Participants are encouraged to apply for support from their home departments or institutions.

The conference is jointly hosted by AIPI and The Asian Society of the History of Medicine. The event will be held at AIPI headquarter, situated in the building of the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia, Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan No.11, Central Jakarta.

Local Committee
Uswatul Chabibah (uswahabibah@gmail.com)
Indonesian Academy of Sciences

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