3D Nano-engineered Silicon Anodes for High-energy-density Lithium-ion RechargeableĀ Batteries

An Innovative Multifaceted Mobile Technology for Community Mitigation Management of COVID-19 Pandemic in Rural Indonesia

Surveillance System to Observe Seroconversion to SARS COV2 in Human: Combining Hospital Based and Population Based Longitudinal Study in Sleman HDSS (Health and Demographic Surveillance System)- Diaspora Innovation

Intensified Nanocatalyst Design for Hydrogen Synthesis

RATIONAL DESIGN OF NANOCATALYSTS – Catalysts Converting Greenhouse Gases to Value-Added Chemicals

Enhancing the Role of Islamic Philanthropy in Alleviating Economic Impacts of Covid-19 (ENTROPY)

Development of Quantum Dot (QD) Materials for Nanoenergy, Nano-sensing, and Nano-medicine Applications