AIPI launched the initiative to establish the Indonesian Science Fund as an independent body under its auspices.
AIPI and LPDP signed Memorandum of Understanding to provide initial funding for the DIPI.
The need for the DIPI was proposed in the report Creating an Indonesian Science Fund, a collaboration between AIPI, the World Bank, and Australian Aid.
AIPI General Assembly approved the establishment of DIPI.
DIPI is an autonomous body under the auspices of Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (AIPI) or Indonesian Academy of Sciences. DIPI was legally established by the Presidential Decree No. 9/ 2016 signed by President Joko Widodo on February 29, 2016, and launched on March 30, 2016.
The establishment of DIPI is supported by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti), Ministry of Finance through Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan or Indonesian Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP), and the Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas).
The Indonesian Science Fund (Dana Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, DIPI) provides independent scientific research funding for investigators who show evidence of strong and exemplary scientific merit and potential.We aim to elevate the overall quality of Indonesian research to produce cutting edge science to build Indonesia’s global competitiveness through sustainable financial infrastructure. DIPI grants are autonomous from the state budgeting cycle and state financial administration system. Applications for research funding are reviewed by panels of independent experts.
The heart of our mission is to elevate the overall quality of Indonesian research to strengthen Indonesia’s capacity in science, technological innovations and the necessary cultural mindset as foundation for its growth and support.To achieve this DIPI provides competitive rewards and incentives for quality research based excellence, originality, and capability, to maintain the standards and goals of science and scientific research in the country.a. Enable more productive fundamental and frontier research This is expected to result in more publication and patents, in a more productive scientific effort in all areas, and ultimately in more innovation, more science-based enterprises, and more direct foreign investment and joint ventures in technological areas.b. Increase the pool of trained research scientists An enlarged community of trained scientists is essential to encourage innovation and to create science-based enterprises. The availability of research support can encourage good researchers to remain competitive and promote a culture of scientific excellence.
The research and technology endowment fund initiated by DIPI is an effort to create a good research ecosystem, free from rigid regulations or restrictions that burden researchers and affect the performance of researchers. through this endowment, flexible, competitive and sustainable research grants can be provided and encourage the performance and quality of national research.
The day-to-day managerial tasks of DIPI are overseen by Management Board, chaired by the Executive Director, Prof. Jatna Supriatna Phd. The task includes program planning and implementation, as well as maintaining collaboration with stakeholders.
The Executive Committee is chaired by the DPI Secretary and there are three additional members. The Committee advises the Secretary on key issues and meets as and when required.
The Ad Hoc Committee for Development of DIPI Strategic Plan is chaired by Jatna Supriatna and there are six additional members. The Committee advises the Executive Director on the mobilization of funding resources and meets as and when required
The Ad Hoc Committee for Development of DIPI Strategic Plan is chaired by L. T. Handoko and there are nine additional members. The Committee advises the Executive Director on developing the strategic plan and meets as and when required.
The Ad Hoc Committee for Finalization of LPDP Fund Channeling Mechanism is chaired by Satryo Soemantri Brodjonegoro and there are six additional members. The Committee advises the Executive Director on the mobilization of funding resources and meets as and when required.
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