The Indonesian Science Fund (Dana Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, DIPI) provides independent scientific research funding for investigators who show evidence of strong and exemplary scientific merit and potential.


DIPI Infographic

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DIPI Profile

Risus facilisis suspendisse nec sodales auctor turpis ut integer. Amet parturient integer ipsum habitasse. Ipsum et luctus

Annual Reports

Risus facilisis suspendisse nec sodales auctor turpis ut integer. Amet parturient integer ipsum habitasse. Ipsum et luctus

Produce world-class scientific research needed to build Indonesia’s global competitiveness


DIPI is an independent body under the auspices of the Indonesian Academy of Sciences (AIPI). DIPI provides sustainable research funding to promote scientific culture of excellence.


DIPI, on competitive basis, would directly supply scientists with funds for world-class research. DIPI supports the career advancement of Indonesian scientists and providing high-quality national research facilities.


DIPI grants are eligible for researchers who are actively engaged in the proposed research investigation. Applicants with multidiciplinary proposal are encouraged to apply.

How to Apply

1. Proposal Preparation and Submission

Read the guide, choose a focus area, write your research problem statement, fill in the application form and submit

90 Days

Recruit Reviewers
Recruit Reviewers
Recruit Reviewers

2. Review and Scoring Scientific Proposal

The proposal that you have sent will be reviewed by approximately three peers before being decided by a scientific panel

90 Days

Recruit Reviewers
Online Review
Scientific Panel Review
Funding Decision

3. Proposal Submission Announcement

Once the decision has been made, you will get a notification email that will ask you to check the status of the application you have submitted

30 Days

Offer Letter
Awward Announced

Be a Part of World-Class Scientific Researcher

Our Deep Commitment for Researcher

Our Milestone

February 29, 2016

President Joko Widodo signed the Presidential Decree No.9/2016 which embodies the alteration of AIPI’s governance, providing legal basis for DIPI. Indonesian Science Fund is legally established.

October 13, 2015

AIPI General Assembly approved the establishment of DIPI.

August 7, 2015

AIPI and LPDP signed Memorandum of Understanding to provide initial funding for the DIPI.

May 27, 2015

AIPI launched the initiative to establish the Indonesian Science Fund as an independent body under its auspices.

Resital Musik DIPI 2024

Saksikan Acara Resital Musik DIPI dan Small Research Grant Award 2024 di Channel YouTube Dana Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia pada Minggu, 3 November 2024, pukul 20.00 WIB.

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