3D Nano-engineered Silicon Anodes for High-energy-density Lithium-ion Rechargeable Batteries


Afriyanti Sumboja, PhD.

2021 - 2023

Research Overview

22 agustus 2023

Our research focuses on applying principles from materials science and engineering to address fundamental issues, address immediate real-world obstacles, and contribute to the advancement of next-generation electrochemical devices.

Research Activities

Aktifitas Lab Mel 2023 (1)

  • We are extensively involved in Li-ion batteries, covering a wide range of areas to support the emerging battery industries in Indonesia. This includes not only the creation and recycling of electrode materials but also the utilization of computational and data science methods to enhance the performance of Li-ion batteries.
  • Furthermore, we are actively engaged in electrocatalysis, delving into materials suitable for catalyzing oxygen reduction, oxygen evolution, and hydrogen evolution reactions. These catalysts find applications in metal-air batteries, fuel cells, and water splitting.
  • In addition to these endeavors, our laboratory facilities are equipped to facilitate diverse electrochemical-based tests and the development of various electrochemical-based devices, including supercapacitors and wearable batteries.


  • Carbon fiber-based structural batteries (P2MI ITB 2022, RISET ITB 2022)
  • 3D nano-engineered Si anodes for high energy density Li-ion batteries (LPDP Rispro KI 2020-2023)
  • Machine learning to predict material properties for battery application (P2MI ITB 2021)
  • Characterizing energetics materials at the nano/atomic length scales (MIT-Indonesia research alliance 2020)
  • Mg-air battery for seawater-activated battery (Asahi glass foundation 2020)
  • Development of metal-air batteries (P3MI ITB, RISET ITB 2019-2020)
  • Battery waste-derived graphene for transparent/conductive electrode (Asahi glass foundation 2019)


More Information

How to Apply

1. Proposal Preparation and Submission

Baca panduan, pilih focus area, tuliskan rumusan masalah riset-mu, isi form aplikasi dan kirim

90 Days

Recruit Reviewers
Recruit Reviewers
Recruit Reviewers

2. Proposal Preparation and Submission

Proposal yang telah kamu kirim akan dikaji oleh kurang lebih tiga peers sebelum diputuskan oleh scientific panel

90 Days

Recruit Reviewers
Online Review
Scientific Panel Review
Funding Decision

3. Proposal Preparation and Submission

Setelah keputusan sudah dibuat, kamu akan mendapatkan email pemberitahuan yang akan memintamu untuk memeriksa status aplikasi yang telah kamu kirim

30 Days

Offer Letter
Awward Announced

Related Research

2021 - 2023


Afriyanti Sumboja, PhD.