Deadline for submitting intention to submit a proposal: July 13, 2016 (22.00 WIB)


Research themes:

  • Atmospheric pollution and human health
  • Tropical peatlands and mangroves



This initiative will provide funding for high-quality collaborative research projects between the UK, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam researchers which contribute to the economic development and welfare of Indonesia, Thailand and/or Vietnam.


The objective is to deliver significant 2-3year research funding for internationally competitive and innovative collaborative projects between researchers from participating countries, that will allow the pursuit of shared research interests.


DIPI and RCUK will provide funding for at least 5 projects in:



Applicants can apply for a 2-3 year grant, for up to £200k per project on the Indonesian side, while the UK partner can apply for approximately RCUK has £350k – £450k available per project. The size of the grant will vary depending of the needs of each research project and must be fully justified.


UK and Southeast Asian applicants must apply jointly for funding to the RCUK Newton-SEA Research Partnerships Call 2016, via the NERC Je-S online application system (https://je-s.rcuk.ac.uk). Due to administrative reason, all proposals must be submitted by the UK Co-Principal Investigator.




Announce call for proposals(Je-S system opens)

09 June 2016

Intention to submit

13 July 2016

Closing date for proposals

10 August 2016

PI response to reviewer comments for those going to Panel(Please note you will have 5 days to respond)

November 2016


December 2016

Decisions announced

January 2017

Successful proposals withdrawn from NERCJe-S system by research offices and submitted to lead council by remit (not necessary for NERC-remit grants)

January 2017

Grants commence

01 February 2017

Call documents




All proposals will be required to have a UK Principal Investigator, in addition to a Principal Investigator from one or more of the partner countries.


The Principal Investigator (PI) should demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition, and feasibility of his or her scientific proposal. Priority is given to applications submitted by a PI with the ability to lead and be actively engaged in the proposed research investigation as evidenced by past publication(s) in national or international peer reviewed scientific publications. Highly exceptional applicants that do not yet have evidence of scientific publications but submit proposal ideas that meet DIPI scientific merit criteria maybe considered.


PI’s must have affiliation with educational and/ or research based organization(s). Such affiliation may be with single or multiple organizations, government or private, for-profit or non-profit. PI can only submit one application for this call, multiple applications will not be accepted.







  • Staff – directly incurred post
  • Staff – directly allocated posts (PI and Co-I time)
  • Other research costs (including consumables, for policy on costs of equipment please email dipi-rcuk@dipi.id)
  • Travel and subsistence for exchange/mobility activities
  • Cost of workshops, meetings etc.
  • Estates and indirect costs
  • Research assistants (NOT for degree studentships/ PhD)
  • Staff – directly incurred post
  • Staff – directly allocated posts (PI and Co-I time)
  • Other research costs (including consumables)
  • Travel and subsistence for exchange/mobility activities
  • Cost of workshops, meetings etc.
  • Estates and indirect costs
  • Exceptions
  • All NERC data management costs must be fully costed and included

Not covered

  • RCUK, due to Newton funding, cannot cover the cost of equipment/ capital over £10k under this call
  • Studentships (PhD) will also not be covered under this call
  • Given the budget limit of proposals, coupled with the time restrictions on spend under Calls supported by the Newton Fund, we are unable to accept NERC shiptime or aircraft requests as part of this Call . All other NERC S&F must be fully costed within the limits of the proposal, and agreement that they can be undertaken within the timeframe of the spend must be provided by the facility.



Following submission, peer review will be undertaken by the funding agencies. To be funded, proposals must be internationally competitive and at a standard equivalent to that normally expected to be supported by each funding organisation.


Proposals will be assessed against the following criteria:


  • Research merit and scientific excellence of the proposal
  • Relevance of the proposal to the strategic objectives of the Newton Fund – including potential benefits and impact
  • Strength and appropriateness of proposed partnership and collaboration
  • Project management structure and resources, including value for money





Due to the tight timescales and funding restrictions of the Newton Fund, UK grants must start by 01 February 2017; i.e. the ‘start confirmation’ must be submitted by 01 February 2017(this is shorter than the standard 42 days for Research Council grants).





Any enquiries related to this call should be directed to:



Email: RCUKNewtonFundEnquiries@rcuk.ac.uk

Phone: +44 (0) 01793 444352




Email: dipi-rcuk@dipi.id

Phone: +62 (21) 3521910





The Newton Fund is an initiative intended to strengthen research and innovation partnerships between the UK and emerging knowledge economies. It was launched by the Chancellor in April 2014, and will deliver £735 million of funding over the course of seven years.

The Fund forms part of the UK’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) commitment which is monitored by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). ODA funded activity focuses on outcomes that promote the long-term sustainable growth of countries on the OECD Development Assistance Committee list. Newton Fund countries represent a sub-set of this list. For more information, please visit the RCUK Newton Fund page; http://www.rcuk.ac.uk/international/newton/.


The Newton Fund requires that the funding be awarded in a manner that fits with Official Development Assistance (ODA) guidelines. All applications under this call must therefore be compliant with these guidelines. http://www.newtonfund.ac.uk/about/what-is-oda/




If you have any questions or would like further information about the call, please contact:

DIPI: dipi-rcuk@dipi.id

RCUK: RCUKNewtonFundEnquiries@rcuk.ac.uk

How to Apply

1. Proposal Preparation and Submission

Baca panduan, pilih focus area, tuliskan rumusan masalah riset-mu, isi form aplikasi dan kirim

90 Days

Recruit Reviewers
Recruit Reviewers
Recruit Reviewers

2. Proposal Preparation and Submission

Proposal yang telah kamu kirim akan dikaji oleh kurang lebih tiga peers sebelum diputuskan oleh scientific panel

90 Days

Recruit Reviewers
Online Review
Scientific Panel Review
Funding Decision

3. Proposal Preparation and Submission

Setelah keputusan sudah dibuat, kamu akan mendapatkan email pemberitahuan yang akan memintamu untuk memeriksa status aplikasi yang telah kamu kirim

30 Days

Offer Letter
Awward Announced