OVERVIEW Finding funding opportunities can be daunting and challenging for researchers. It’s imperative that researchers are able to navigate the complicated funding landscape to find the best match for their project. In this webinar, you will learn where to look for funding. You’ll also learn how...


Finding funding opportunities can be daunting and challenging for researchers. It’s imperative that researchers are able to navigate the complicated funding landscape to find the best match for their project. In this webinar, you will learn where to look for funding. You’ll also learn how to write a grant proposal by learning about the different parts of the grant proposal and how to use them most effectively to your advantage.

When: February 9, Thursday 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM WIB UTC +7

Speaker: Dr. Jacob Wickham, Managing Editor of the journal Integrative Zoology

Takeaways: Finding funding opportunities; learn to write a grant proposal and use them effectively

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