Awarded Proposal DIPI’s Small Research Grant 2024

We are pleased to announce that your research proposal has been awarded the DIPI’s Small Research Grant 2024. This award is given in recognition of your dedication and innovation in the field of

We are pleased to announce that your research proposal has been awarded the DIPI’s Small Research Grant 2024. This award is given in recognition of your dedication and innovation in the field of

SG24DIPI68Recurrent oncohistone mutation profiles in Indonesian glioma: a pilot studyDr. Inna Armandari, M.Sc, PharmBioinformatics Research Center-Indonesian Institute of Bioinformatics (BRC-INBIO), Malang
SG24DIPI19Immunoreactivity of Histoplasma Antigen Obtained by Culture Filtrate MethodSem Samuel Surja, M. Biomed, PhD. (candidate)Universitas Atmajaya
SG24DIPI117Initial development of artificial antigen-presenting cells (aAPC) for Natural killer cell expansion, the acceleration of the first CAR-NK cells in IndonesiaDr. Ibnu Agus Ariyanto, M.BiomedUI
SG24DIPI36Genome Mining of Novel Enzymes and Bioactives from Termite (Coptotermes sp.) Gut Microbial Isolates through Comparative Pangenomics ApproachesMatin Nuhamunada, S.Si., M.Sc. Phd (cand)UGM

Congratulations and please keep and touch with DIPI Secretariat for Administration matter.

Best regards,
DIPI Secretariat

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