CarbonLeak Science – Policy Workshop
Under new Green Deal policies, the EU increases its environmental policy ambitions for domestic land management. In Europe, this can lead to an increased emphasis on nature conservation, expanding protected areas, and either decreasing and more sustainable agricultural and forest production. As a result, higher imports of agricultural and wood commodities from non-EU markets will be required. For non-EU producer countries like Indonesia, this may cause a higher demand for agricultural and wood commodities with socio-economic and environmental sustainability effects such as land use change, employment and GHG emissions, among others. Indonesia with its net-zero-emission target similar to the EU, has at the same time increased its ambition level in climate policies but features its own unique blend of production and conservation policies in the country. The Carbon Leak project, is analyzing the effects of German and European climate protection measures on global agricultural and timber markets, and of the potential leakage effects on emissions and other potential spillover effects for selected regions in Indonesia and Brazil.
The objective of the workshop is to obtain and evaluate stakeholder perceptions on various aspects related to potential EU Green Deal production leakage to Indonesia in order to design scenarios which can well reflect the perspective of Indonesian experts and stakeholders.
Date and Place
Date : Thursday, 5 December 2024
Venue : DIPI Office – Jakarta, Indonesia
Presentations, photos, recordings of this event can be downloaded via: Click Here!