To gather experiences and provide all parties to contribute constructively that feasible for those who interested in identifying current priorities and share-learning in the respected science communication for scalable solutions is still a challenge. A neutral platform is somehow necessary for parties, sympathizers and activists who can freely connect with each other to learn on Social Ecological Resilience and Climate Nature Based Solution and share to accelerating the achievement of the scientific development innovation agenda in Indonesia.
Dana Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (DIPI) or Indonesian Science Fund is an autonomous body under the auspices of Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (AIPI) or Indonesian Academy of Sciences. DIPI was legally established by Presidential Decree No. 9/ 2016 and launched the by Minister of Finance as an independent funding institution on March 30, 2016. DIPI addresses current impediments to research in Indonesia by bringing a breakthrough research funding system and science communications. Through multiple-year funding schemes, DIPI directly funds researchers to elevate the scientific productivity of Indonesian researchers and their international collaboration. The aim is to elevate the overall quality of Indonesian research to produce cutting-edge science to build Indonesia’s global competitiveness through a better research ecosystem and sustainable financial infrastructure.
The upcoming mission of DIPI is to build a hub called ISDH (Innovative Science and Development Hub), functioning as a clearing house that translates scientific results into a policymaking plan. ISDH is an independent scientific research platform for investigators who show evidence of solid and exemplary scientific merit and potential to downstream the research result into innovation and/or policy recommendation.
The launching of ISDH is to introduce how science can interplay with policy plans and implementation, so it can be pooled and provide inputs to decision makers as well to establish expert networks, connecting tacit knowledge development with program infrastructure for the Social-ecological resilience and climate nature-based solution through a series of dialog regarding on:
The Indonesia Science Development Hub (ISDH), that will be launched at the:
Day : Tuesday, 18 July 2023
Time : 9.00 – 12.00 am (Jakarta Time)
Venue : AIPI Hall, 17th floor, Gedung Perpustakaan Nasional. Jl Medan Merdeka Selatan No.11 Jakarta Pusat (Close RSVP)
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 844 1719 4216
Passcode: isdhdipi
We look forward to your presence at this seminar as we embark on a journey to advance science and development in Indonesia.
On September 5, 2024, A meeting was held to inform about the financing mechanisms and the responsibilities that need to be accounted for by the winners of the DIPI 2024 Small Grant.
Zoom Online, Senin, 9 September 2024 Kegiatan Monitoring dan Evaluasi yang dilakukan oleh DIPI bersama LPDP dengan judul penelitian: Rational Design of Nanocatalysts for the Direct Conversion of Greenhouse Gases to Value-Added Chemicals.
We are pleased to announce that your research proposal has been awarded the DIPI’s Small Research Grant 2024. This award is given in recognition of your dedication and innovation in the field of
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