Jakarta, March 9 2016 - The Indonesian Science Fund (DIPI) will hold its first announcement onMarch 30 2016, following its formal establishment after President Jokowi signed Presidential Decree No. 9/2016. The decree, signed on February 29 2016, contains the revision of Indonesian Academy of Sciences (AIPI) governance,...

Jakarta, March 9 2016 – The Indonesian Science Fund (DIPI) will hold its first announcement onMarch 30 2016, following its formal establishment after President Jokowi signed Presidential Decree No. 9/2016. The decree, signed on February 29 2016, contains the revision of Indonesian Academy of Sciences (AIPI) governance, which includes the legal basis to establish DIPI.

During the event of Announcing Indonesian Science Fund, the Executive Director of DIPI and its Scientific Advisory Board will be inaugurated. This will be followed by talkshow with the Ambassador of DIPI country partners namely United States, United Kingdom, and Australia. Subsequently,  DIPI will announce its first joint call for research with Medical Research Council (MRC) UK.

Indonesian and international notable figures in scientific society will attend this event,  including economist and former minister Emil Salim, former Editor in Chief of ScienceBruce Alberts and United States’ Science Envoy for the ocean, Jane Lubchenco. They will be featured in the talkshow “Promoting Scientific Culture of Excellence” led by Secretary of DIPI Scientific Advisory Board Nina Sardjunani. Minister of Research Technology and Higher Education Mohamad Nasir and Minister of Finance Bambang P.S Brodjonegoro are scheduled to attend the event, showing a support from the Government of Indonesia.

As an independent body under the auspices of AIPI, DIPI provides sustainable funding for scientific research conducted by Indonesian prominent scientists. It aims to elevate the overal quality of scientific research in Indonesia to boost Indonesia’s global competitiveness.

The need for the DIPI was proposed in the report Creating an Indonesian Science Fund, a collaboration between AIPI, the World Bank, and Australian Aid in 2012.  Throughout the years, AIPI has suceeded in gathering support from the Government of Indonesia, United States, Australia, and United Kingdom. The intiative to establish DIPI was later launched during the commemoration of AIPI’s 25th anniversary on May 2015.


Anggrita Desyani 

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