Southeast Asia – Europe Joint Funding Scheme (JFS) Health-related 3rd Virtual JFS Matchmaking Event following the World Health Summit 28 October 2020 Venue: Online, 9:00 AM CET / 15.00 PM (Jakarta Time) Meeting Room: Webex Video Conference Tool GOAL OF THE MATCHMAKING EVENT The SEA-Europe Joint Funding Scheme for Research and...


The SEA-Europe Joint Funding Scheme for Research and Innovation (JFS) is a network of funders from Southeast Asia and Europe which launches Joint Calls for Proposals on an annual basis.

Currently, the 5th Joint S&T Call for Proposals in the thematic area of Infectious Diseases and the 6th Joint Innovation Call for Proposals in the thematic area of Digital Health are open for submission.

The JFS 3rd Virtual Matchmaking Event provides all relevant information about the Joint Funding Scheme and the related activities. The currently open Calls will be presented in detail with a focus on the Joint S&T Call and its thematic area Infectious Diseases and the Joint Innovation Call and its thematic area Digital Health.

To support the set-up of strong consortia for the submission of project proposals with high quality, selected Southeast Asian and European researchers seeking for complementing partner organizations will present their institution and project ideas.


Researchers and interested companies related with infectious diseases and digital health research.

To see our event agenda follow the link below

See Agenda


Please follow the link below to join the meeting:


Meeting number (access code): 163 072 1766 Password: MME3


For joining individual Speaker’s Meeting Room please enter the following regarding your interest:


Room for Project Idea 1 (Ms. Lalintip Hocharoen):

Link Room1

Meeting number (access code): 163 672 4895 Meeting password: Room1


Room for Project Idea 2 (Mr. Martin Metzner):

Link Room2

Meeting number (access code): 163 055 7669 Meeting password: Room2


Room for Project Idea 3 (Ms. Nina Dwi Putri):

Link Room3

Meeting number (access code): 163 946 5606 Meeting password: Room3


Room for Project Idea 4 (Mrs. Heni Mufliah):

Link Room4

Meeting number (access code): 163 345 1448 Meeting password: Room4


Room for Project Idea 5 (Mr. Romulo de Castro):

Link Room5

Meeting number (access code): 163 964 9128 Meeting password: Room5


Room for Project Idea 6 (Mr. Rizaldy Taslim Pinzon):

Link Room6

Meeting number (access code): 163 031 4344 Meeting password: Room6


Room for Project Idea 7 (Mr. Ucar Baris):

Link Room7

Meeting number (access code): 163 753 2390 Meeting password: Room7


Room for Project Idea 8 (Mr. Roland Gilbert Remenyi):

Link Room8

Meeting number (access code): 163 227 4134 Meeting password: Room8

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